Monday, April 29, 2013

Institutional Group

Classification: Institutional group I-1
  • 16 or more people who are living together.
Example and Explanation: This is a college sorority house. There are multiple people who live under one roof. They are all capable of self rescue. 

 Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from

Classification: Institutional group I-2
  •  Medical, surgical, psychiatric, nursing, custodial care facilities for over 5 persons who are not capable of self preservation.
Example and Explanation: This is a hospital it is used for the care of men, women, and children who are ill; it's occupant load exceeds more than 50 people at a time.
Classification: Institutional group I-3
  •  Prisons and detention facilities for more than five people under restraint.
Example and Explanation: This is a  prison it holds mores than 200 hundred inmates on a daily basis.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from

Classification: Institutional group I-4
  • Day care facilities (for over 5 persons)
Example and Explanation: This is a day care facility for children under the age of  two and a half years old.

Phot retrieved on 4/29/ 13 from


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