Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Utility/ Miscellaneous group U

Classification: Utility-U
  • Accessory and miscellaneous structures not classified in other occupancies.
Example and Explanation: This is a barn it is classified as an accessory and miscellaneous structure.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from

Storage Group S

Classification: Storage group S-1
  • Moderate low hazard: Examples include but not limited to bags, books, linoleum, and lumber.
Example and Explanation: This is a aircraft repair hanger. It is used for the storage of planes while they get repaired.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Aviation_Repair_Technologies_aircraft_repair_hangar.jpg

Classification: Storage group S-2
  • Low hazard storage:  Examples include but not limited to asbestos, bagged cement, electric motors, glass, and metal parts.
 Example and Explanation: This is a parking garage its is used for the storage of vehicles.

 I took this photo on 4/29/13  http://www.flickr.com/photos/95342359@N07/8694950954/in/photostream/

Residential Group R

Classification: Residential group R-1
  • Occupants are primarily transient in nature ( not ore than 30 days).
Example and Explanation: This is a motel it is used for short term living. The people who stay there do so for less than 30 days.

I took this photo on 4/29/13 http://www.flickr.com/photos/95342359@N07/8693822133/in/photostream/

Classification: Residential group R-2
  • More than 2 dwelling units per building where occupants are primarily permanent.
Example and Explanation: This is an apartment complex that has numerous units within it ( more than 2). The occupants that live there are permanent.

I took this phto on 4/29/13 http://www.flickr.com/photos/95342359@N07/8694943486/in/photostream/

Classification: Residential group R-3
  • Residential occupancies where the occupants are primarily permanent in nature and not classified as Group R-1, R-2, R-4, or I
 Example and Explanation: These are houses thay have no more than 2 dwelling units per building. The families that live in them are permanent.

 I  took this phto on 4/29/13 http://www.flickr.com/photos/95342359@N07/8694948188/in/photostream/

Mercantile Group M

Classificatio: Mercantile group M
  • Display and sale of merchandise involving stocks of goods accessible to the public.
Example and Explanation: This is a target inside there are a numerous amounts of goods ready for the public to purchase.

I took this photo on 4/29/13 http://www.flickr.com/photos/95342359@N07/8694939842/in/photostream/

Monday, April 29, 2013

Institutional Group

Classification: Institutional group I-1
  • 16 or more people who are living together.
Example and Explanation: This is a college sorority house. There are multiple people who live under one roof. They are all capable of self rescue. 

 Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from http://sororitysugar.tumblr.com/post/37509998907/sorority-house-tour-smu

Classification: Institutional group I-2
  •  Medical, surgical, psychiatric, nursing, custodial care facilities for over 5 persons who are not capable of self preservation.
Example and Explanation: This is a hospital it is used for the care of men, women, and children who are ill; it's occupant load exceeds more than 50 people at a time.
Classification: Institutional group I-3
  •  Prisons and detention facilities for more than five people under restraint.
Example and Explanation: This is a  prison it holds mores than 200 hundred inmates on a daily basis.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from http://www.oocities.org/wer_qt/Jails.html

Classification: Institutional group I-4
  • Day care facilities (for over 5 persons)
Example and Explanation: This is a day care facility for children under the age of  two and a half years old.

Phot retrieved on 4/29/ 13 from http://blogsensebybarb.wordpress.com/2011/10/27/parents-5-things-parents-must-decide-daycare/


High Hazard Group- H

Classification: High hazard group H-1 (307.3)
  • Detonation hazard
Example and Explanation: This a place where they manufacture direworks. This id very dangerous because of all the gunpoweder that is being used. The women in the picture is essentialy by explosives.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from http://art4shere.blogspot.com/2013/03/how-fireworks-are-made.html


Classification: High hazard group H-2 (307.4)
  • Deflagration, accelerated burning hazard
Example and Explanation: This is a gas station where flamible liquid is stored underground.

I took this photo on 4/29/13 http://www.flickr.com/photos/95342359@N07/8694931190/in/photostream/

Factory Group -F

Classification: Factory group F-1 (306.2)
  • Moderate hazards
Example and Explanation: This is an aircraft. It is ready for departure.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from

Classification: Factory group F-2 ( 306.3)
  • Low hazards
Example and Explanation: This is the Smuttynose Brewing co. After the alcohol is produced it is stored into glass botttles.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from http://www.theworld.org/2012/06/europe-american-beers/