Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Storage Group S

Classification: Storage group S-1
  • Moderate low hazard: Examples include but not limited to bags, books, linoleum, and lumber.
Example and Explanation: This is a aircraft repair hanger. It is used for the storage of planes while they get repaired.

Photo retrieved 4/29/13 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Aviation_Repair_Technologies_aircraft_repair_hangar.jpg

Classification: Storage group S-2
  • Low hazard storage:  Examples include but not limited to asbestos, bagged cement, electric motors, glass, and metal parts.
 Example and Explanation: This is a parking garage its is used for the storage of vehicles.

 I took this photo on 4/29/13  http://www.flickr.com/photos/95342359@N07/8694950954/in/photostream/

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